Saturday, January 6, 2007

Some ideas for 2007

I actually have some New Years' resolutions this year. I'm not quite sure how I'll implement them, but this year is going to be different in some subtle ways.

One resolution is to talk with myself more. The first Nisan conference will occur next Tuesday or Wednesday, with a representative from each of my little projects attending. We'll be drawing up my weekly schedule.

Another resolution came to me as a gift recently. One component is solid, though it weighs only a few grams; the other is liquid, and that part I give to other people. I'll start by giving some to the one who gave me this gift.

Another resolution is to eat slower.

One thing that I did not resolve is to periodically update this blog. In fact I was moved to write this first entry because I just finished reading a powerful fantasy novel and I'm feeling reflective. And it did nothing to alleviate this wretched illness of mine. Oh, am I sick. Ah, well.

Another resolution is to get more sleep -- when I can. I've grown accustomed to driving myself to exhaustion each night, but I always pay dearly for it afterwards.

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